Write down your charitable event and Fill out the form for a chance to get your award ceremony or fund generating voiceover for free. Drawn monthly.
A Heart to Heart From Kim
Why give voiceover?
Giving voice over may be unique, but giving in general is not. We all have our favourite charities. Causes we believe in. Diseases or social needs that have touched us or people we love. My Psych-Science studying daughter says, “altruism comes from our super power of empathy. Fish swim. Birds fly. Humans empathize. When we are able to foster empathy and let it grow, we become truly altruistic and that, may be an interpretation of how we give meaning to human life.”
Over the years, I have been asked multiple times if I would donate my voiceover services, or drop my rate to accommodate lower prices for charitable organizations. And I’ve helped out in my unique way, sometimes donating, sometimes giving much lower prices on my voice over services for the benefit of local food drives, regional health initiatives, recently for Easterseals. Check out the video here.
Many of us like to give our expertise to help people. So do I.
I do this by donating my voiceover services for broadcast, or for an event, and by donating a percentage of my annual income to #kissipfgoodbye.
My wonderful, fit, feisty mom was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis a few years ago. IPF is a rare disease where people eventually suffocate from lack of breath. It can affect anyone. Obviously breath is vital. We can’t live without it. And in particular, voiceover and breath go hand in hand. My goal is to shed some light on this cause and support it financially. Every time you hire me, a percentage of that fee (my income) goes to the initiative #kissipfgoodbye.
Low-Bono VO
Regularly, I offer what I like to call Low-Bono VO. Contact Kim Handysides Voice Over (me) in an email and tell me about your event. If it’s a bonafide charity and fits in my schedule, I look forward to working with you. Need a Gala MC or Announcer for your Charitable Event? A commanding yet human voice to direct people to their seats or give out instructions? I have been the voice for hundreds of Award Ceremonies, including some high profile Awards announcer jobs. Live and recorded. Tell me about yours.
An engaging speaker at multiple conferences and workshops and with over a decade as a TV/radio personality, a stint in stand-up comedy and beyond, I’ve given speeches to live audiences of 20 to 2000. Recent topics have been on living a creative life, on show business, on being a voiceover artist & how to become one. If I can help you with your charity or event, please let me know.